Insurance accepted byMahnaz Behboodikhah, MD
▹ Rhythm management, Heart failure management, Risk factor identification and prevention of Sudden Cardiac death caused by structural heart disease and genetic abnormalities.
▹ Implantation and management of Pacemakers ( single and multiple leads ) +
Defibrillators ( trans venous and Subcutaneous ) + loop recorders.
▹ Transesophageal Echocardiogram
▹ Cardioversions
▹ Ablation of specific Rhythm abnormalities.
▹ Evaluation and medical management of Coronary Artery Disease,
Hypertension, Lipid Abnormalities, syncope and dizziness due to rhythm abnormalities and/or autonomic dysfunction.
▹ Risk stratification and primary prevention of potentially life threatening cardiovascular diseases.
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