Tips for a Healthy Start in the New Year

Tips for a Healthy Start in the New Year

Get ready for the new year with a renewed focus on your health. Our Hoag Medical Group physicians are here to serve as your partner in health and provided the below tips to start your year off right.

#1 – Schedule your annual physical.

This yearly appointment is an opportunity to get an update on your overall health. Don’t put off this important visit to get informed about your health and speak to your primary care physician about your health goals and address any concerns and questions.

#2 – Ensure your immunizations are up to date.

It is important that you are protected from viruses and illnesses. If you are planning a getaway outside the county, our Travel Medicine physician specializes in immunizations and medical travel advice specific to the region of travel.

#3 – Find a new activity for exercise.

Exercise can be a fun and is a healthy outlet for your body. The new year is a great time to change up your exercise regimen, start a new one or simply get moving. Whether it is in a gym, with friends or online, there are so many resources to find something that is right for you.

#4 – Discover a new hobby.

The pandemic has presented both physical and mental challenges and one way to keep mentally healthy is finding a new hobby that you enjoy and brings you joy! This can be a great outlet for you and have a positive impact on your overall health.

#5 – Set a goal.

The new year provides a timely opportunity to set a new year’s resolution such as losing weight or exercising more. Just remember to make your goals manageable and work toward achieving your goal. All progress counts even if you do not reach your ultimate goal.

Hoag Medical Group wishes you a happy and healthy new year.